Monday, April 12, 2010

A Krupke draft and other thoughts...

We're nearing the end of the first phase of rehearsal now. After tomorrow's rehearsal calls, the piece will sneak into our long term memories via sessions one or two evenings a week until June 1st when the schedule returns with a vengeance! As the momentum quietens and the movements, shapes and rhythms of the piece sink down into the performers, it's time for the costuming, lighting and set to be realised and refined.

But until that point we're moving through Act Two. Krupke is the break in Act Two. The point where the Jets, bereft of their leader try to establish a normalcy in what is a brutally jagged situation very far away from normal. At the very least goofing around will prevent them from having to confront the task of mourning and grieving the loss of Riff...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The "New Minack"

Well, today we had our first full cast rehearsal in our very own outdoor space, and I think I can safely say on behalf of everyone that it was a real eye-opener. I think we've all realised how tough working outside is going to be on our bodies!!! Above are a few photos from today's run through of Act One. I've had so much fun working with everyone so far- roll on Phase Two of rehearsals!

Siani xx

Just a few from today!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

A bit of Quintet and some accent coaching

The cast have tackled the very challenging song 'Tonight Quintet' and have successfully taken ownership over the song. What is apparent from rehearsal is that this song is where the Jets and Sharks psych themselves up for the rumble.

On Friday 9th April Terri Power ran a accent workshop with the cast on their New York and Puerto Rican accents. Following this extremely useful workshop, the detail in cast's work on authentic accents is noticeable. Not only is this noted in the scripted lines but the cast also now have improvisational phrases to use in scenes which helps to bring the scenes to life.
Some of the phrases the 'New Yorkers' worked with to help them are "New York", "I want you to listen to me", "Bring her here", She's bringin' me somthin'", "Don't worry about it", "Get in the car", "Get outta here", "We went to the store for coffee".
The Puerto Ricans also did a lot work on accents. See the video below for an insight into their accent work.

More Rumblings....

Just a note on the Rumble....

I think what is starting to coming across in the action now, whether that action be musical, movement or textual dialogue and scene work, is the reality of the situation in hand, the central human condition at the core of the action. It began to be grasped by the cast today as we worked through the reality of the awful situation of the rumble and the culmination of the tensions that bring the story to this harsh point; the brutal fact that by the end of the scene, all involved in this pivotal moment have actually been complicit in murder - the taking of another human life. At the end of Act one there are two bodies on the ground, put there by boys playing at being men who can kill. But when reality hits home and those boys realise the full depth and resonances of their actions - what it really means to be a man who kills, play time is over for ever.

The beginnings of a rumble...

We're starting to delve into the darker parts of the story...

The dirty underbelly of that 1950's New York tension is really coming through now - deep-seated racial tension and the unreachable American dream all together in a hot, listless, combustible Holden Caufield summer. The first generation of discontents. The first teenagers, who had no war to go to and didn't have to like the same music as Mom and Pop.

Today, we also has the luxury of working OUTSIDE(!) A sunny day in Bath gave us a timely opportunity. Luke Cheater and Bijan transformed the open air space in front of Refectory into a full scale mock up of the Minack.

The glorious backdrop of the Newton park campus had a significant impact on the way the actors moved and worked. Stepping up the game to meet with the expectations of a space as grand and awe inspiring as the Minack is a significant challenge and as we worked outdoors and tackled the complexity of the music and movement of the Rumble, the climax of Act One, The change in the actors was visible. They reflected on exactly how much more energy it took to sustain the height, intensity and tension of that work! We also felt exactly how tough it is to move on a floor with no give!

Link: JFK Speeches - 1956

Click here for a link to President John F Kennedy's speeches in 1956

Great information for the Jets to understand what would have been played out on the radio at the time, and the political/social front.


Friday, April 9, 2010

A few clips

Hi Guys and Girls

I have been fortunate enough to have sat in on some of the Jet Boys rehearsals and have recorded parts of these to share with you all, (they are already looking brilliant, well done to all involved!) if you haven't managed to sit in on any rehearsals that you aren't directly involved in, I would definitely recommend doing so, it really helps to open your mind up to the entirety of the piece as it is easy to forget where your character sits in the grand scheme of it all (also it is really genuinely entertaining)

For me, the beginning of this process has been absolutely fantastic. To see everything coming to life in the last week or so and has really confirmed for me that we have something extremely special in the making, I have already had a few 'goose-bumpy' moments and feel truly privileged to be a part of such a hugely talented and passionate ensemble.

Unfortunately I can't be with you all for the last couple of rehearsals, but I wanted to say good luck and that I will look forward to being reunited with everyone soon (ish)... until then...

Buena suerte

Kyli xxx

Anita and Bernado

The awkward moment of the first kiss!

Dancing, Eating and Kissing

Another full and productive day in rehearsals. The 'dance at the gym' is really coming together, and the company are coping well with the high octane choreography and pace of the scene. (check out the video clip below of the work in progress). It is already feeling like a thrill to watch the power and energy of this company, and particularly unique is the sense of ownership that the cast have. It feels already like a genuinely creative process. It was good to glue the movement together with scene work too, introducing Peter Peasey's 'Gladhand', the 'Square' in amongst the testosterone fuelled teens. I liked Pete's description: 'Like a children's entertainer offering jelly and ice cream at a whiskey bar'. After three hours of working this scene, we enjoyed a break. The sun shone while we tasted the cakes, and I must say we have some talented bakers in the crew! Particularly awe struck by the amount of pink icing that Mitch (Tony) had managed to get into his cake for Jenny (Maria). Sunshine and icing sugar created a general regression amongst the company, so that inevitably water was poured into people's belly buttons, bodies rolled down grassy hills, and cake ended up on faces and the floor. Ah...the joy of it all, and hopefully this sunny theme will remain with us until June.

In afternoon rehearsals, we enjoyed some really detailed character exploration. Riff and Tony explored their back stories through improvisation, which took them back to age 11 lying on the bonnet of cars in the parking lot of JFK airport watching the jet planes fly overhead - and to discover that tender time when the Jets were formed. Both Mitch (Tony) and Drew (Riff) found some beautiful pathos and honesty in the scene, and we start to feel the restlessness of these young men who are searching, striving, defining themselves. It is so rewarding when this level of detail can then be woven into the scene, and we can enter the world of this story, and feel the history of these relationships. Similarly, we had a first session with the Puerto Ricans, Chino, Maria, Anita and Bernado - exploring in depth (through improvisation, remaining in character throughout) how they first met, the stories and memories they share, their fears and desires, their 'American Dreams'. In Act 1 Scene 3, we spent time on Maria's first realisation that she is becoming a woman - when she turns to the mirror to see herself in the white dress that Anita has made for her. She fears she will be the baby at the ball, but is shocked and surprised when she sees a very different reflection looking back at her. I feel that this moment marks the start of her love story.

Much frivolity followed when Sammy (Anita) and Rocky (Bernado) tried to smoothe their way through their stage smooch. The otherwise agile, confident and playful pair suddenly became terribly self aware!

Both Sam and I have realised through the course of rehearsal how brilliantly structured a piece this is, the rhythm of the text, the genius of the music and the scope for really exploring a profound set of stories.So all in all - a grand day, and how lovely to be working on a production where each rehearsal is so joyful.
Emma x

Thursday, April 8, 2010


This morning we had a wonderful sharing of some of the gang's research. They had been busy baking, bonding and dancing to their favourite music. Check out the video below for the Jet boys presentation of their research and back stories...
West Side Story - The Minack Story,

We are now on day 7 of rehearsals and I'm thoroughly delighted with what I'm seeing. It is so far an incredibly rich experience for me personally in my first production as Assistant Director. It is delightful and rewarding to work with and see the development of this large and massively energetic cast.

This morning the cast presented some character development in their respective gangs and sexes, and I must say I was impressed. There is a real sense of group identity and loyalty in the gangs. The girls and boys of each gang made cakes for each other and the thought, care and attention invested in this was very pleasing to see. GREAT WORK!

Bring on the Minack! Cannot wait.

I feel Pretty!

We're all working out the floor patterns for the Minack. The challenge is creating relationships and patterns that can be viewed close up from the same level, but also far away, almost from a birds eye view.

Check out this video clip of an early version of 'I Feel Pretty' rehearsed to a Spanish translation nonetheless, rehearsed late a night in the UT and filmed on a MACbook pro camera!

Rehearsal Images - Wednesday 7th April

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Rehearsals for 'Cool' 8th April 2010

What excites me is......

We're off!
60 in the company,
5 days
7 performances,
1 amazing setting...

We're doing it in two phases. Phase One will see the whole piece mapped out, a detailed pencil drawing of what will eventually emerge...

Then, before phase two the cast have time to let the direction and choreography sink into their souls. Several weeks will elapse... Costumes are made, set designed and built....

Phase Two arrives and takes the pencil drawing and turns it into a vibrant, explosive living painting.

And then to the Minack - a truly magical setting for a story as epic as this one.

But for now, let's return to now.

I have to admit I'll be wearing two hats through this process - one being the choreographer and the other being the Head of Department for Performing Arts at Bath Spa University, out of which this Full Tilt production is born.

However, what's most exciting for me, (whichever hat I'm wearing) is the sheer energy of the cast and company. There's a generosity here and an excitement about the process of making really, really good, truthful expressive theatre which is creating a focused buzz in rehearsal. All of this in a company, (Full Tilt Theatre Company) that combines staff, students, professionals and graduates in one dynamic melting pot and the sheer scale of the potential is mesmerising in itself.

Minack here we come. Full Tilt.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Here we go!

Ok folks - hold your breath, tighten your belts - we are officially OFF! Full Tilt's West Side Story, 2010 has after months of pre-production, kicked off to a grand old start! This blog will help us track the journey, which I hope will be rich, challenging, joyful and rewarding. I hope that we might all contribute to this document, so we can share our thoughts, reactions, images, links, and resources.

So - who are we? I'm Emma Gersch, the director, alongside Sam Grogan on choreogrpahy, Harry Burt on music, and Bijan Arasteh as Assistant Director. I plan to blog each day, but will be actively welcoming contributions from the vast company that we have!

The company gathered on March 29th for a morning of introductions and general scene settings. The atmosphere was immediately buzzing with anticipation, energy and lots of generosity. As ever, I stressed the aim to form a warm and equal ensemble, where everyone involves feels safe and courageous.

The past week has seen Sam working tirelessly to get some of his brilliant choreography underway, and I watched this for the first time this morning. Already seeing the shape of some really wonderful work, detailed, full of life and vibrancy and spirit. Harry has also achieved a huge amount with the music, and ambitiously got underway with the hardest song in the show 'Tonight Quintet' - which is already sounding rich and strong. I was anxious to get underway today with some character work, and had some great first sessions with the Jet boys, and with Tony, Maria and Anita. A full day, which threw up lots of questions and need to probe deep into the lives and histories of these characters. We all seem determined to drop the anchor deep, and really mine the possibilities and depths of the work.

Well, that's all for now - more tomorrow, with some rehearsal shots and updates....
Emma x

The Cast:

Jet Boys:

Riff: Andrew Toynbee

Action: Jo Phillpots

A-Rab: Andrew Cuthbertson

Baby John: Chris Draper

Snowboy: Matthew Feast

Diesel/Big Deal Barnaby Harris Reid

Anybodys: Lauren Guage

Tony: Mitch Miller

Jet Girls

Graziella: Rosie Watson

Velma: Grace Miller

Minnie: Samantha Amery

Clarice: Bella Lewis

Pauline: Rose Creighton Balfour

Jet Girl: Katie Instone

Jet Girl: Sian Davies

Jet Girl: Sarah Leach

Shark Boys:

Bernado: Rocky Nti

Chino: Gerry Fitzpatrick

Pepe: Matthew Ferdenzi

Indio: Liam Salmon

Luis: Doug McDougall

Anxious: Dan Harland

Shark Girls:

Maria: Jenny Chudley

Anita: Samantha Broad

Rosalia: Natalie Wilmowski

Consuelo: Kyli Morgan

Teresita: Jessica Squire

Francisca: Claudine Eastwood

Estella: Danni Down

Margarita: Maria Bishton

Shark Girl: Aimee Farey

Shark Girl: Kitty Randle (Dance Captain)


Doc/Gladhand: Peter Peasey

Shrank: Terri Power

Krupke: TBC