Monday, April 12, 2010

A Krupke draft and other thoughts...

We're nearing the end of the first phase of rehearsal now. After tomorrow's rehearsal calls, the piece will sneak into our long term memories via sessions one or two evenings a week until June 1st when the schedule returns with a vengeance! As the momentum quietens and the movements, shapes and rhythms of the piece sink down into the performers, it's time for the costuming, lighting and set to be realised and refined.

But until that point we're moving through Act Two. Krupke is the break in Act Two. The point where the Jets, bereft of their leader try to establish a normalcy in what is a brutally jagged situation very far away from normal. At the very least goofing around will prevent them from having to confront the task of mourning and grieving the loss of Riff...

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